Lions Gate 2017: Rewritten Stories–Release!

Debbie DuBoisDivine Calling, Letting Go, Lions Gate, Sacred Union, Self Love, Spiritual Mission, Surrender6 Comments

Here we are at the beginning of the Lions Gate portal, Lions Gate 2017, which peaks on 8/8. During this amazingly intense period of time, work is being done on the planet by those of us who have come in to clear the consciousness field of old programs which no longer are relevant and helpful. You could say we are mastering our own fields. We are learning how to let go of old programs that no longer work, and we are in turn getting the opportunity to rewrite our stories with new outcomes and new twists to the old stories.

The number of programs that have been cleared over the past five years (and more) by those who came to do this work has been astronomical. Wave after wave of dense consciousness has been transmuted into the light. Old ways of doing things that are painful because they are distortions of the earth school thought system are being banished by the souls who came to take it out of the collective and another portal is here at the Lions Gate which is open NOW. This portal is opened so that all of the energies which have been released from the collective can be dispersed completely never to return again.

One of the most fascinating phenomena is when one is given the opportunity to rewrite the stories of their existence. And those stories reach across the arc of time to shift timelines that originally might have had one outcome, but because of rewritten story lines, actually have another. For you see when we make shifts in the NOW, we shift it for all in the arc of time, past, present and future. That is because we are in fact now our past selves, being influenced by our future selves, to do the work that needs to be done NOW. And those future selves are Masters. They are the ones we look to in our “new age” conception for guidance. They are the ones we look to in channelings, like Kryon, Bashar, Abraham, Yeshua, and more. They are the ones we think are outside of ourselves. But they are NOT. They are US in the future.

We have come from the future to our NOW to change our path from polarity to one of Unity Consciousness. So the original timelines, which have been altered by all kinds of experiments, could merge back into the ONE plan for Humanity. As we make those shifts in the NOW, they are reflected throughout all of time, thereby erasing the timelines which never were meant to be. For it is all an illusion we experienced. All of the experience that has been and will continue to be transmitted back to the Godhead and the collective library of experience which all can recall at will if chosen. But the time for the old ways are over. They are being transmuted though the efforts of the NOW.

As the old programs leave and are transmitted, the timelines are shifted by rewriting the stories we have written in our past. When one is in a state of wholeness and can no longer respond in the same way to circumstance because he/she is simply not the same person anymore, then the opportunity to rewrite becomes available. You will experience rewriting when the programs have lost their hold over you. Your Higher Wisdom—your Inner Master–comes in to navigate the moment of NOW. And you will find that circumstances that you used to face will resurface again, often with those who you had conflict with in the past and you will no longer respond in a triggered way. You will be completely aware of the change. You will consciously decide to respond differently from your higher knowing. In your honesty and in your truth. In love and in strength. Without fear of abandonment. Without fear of retribution. For when you are in your heart center, you can come from no other place. Any other place does not feel authentic
And as you respond differently, you rewrite the records of the past. And you change the course of the timelines because everything has a different outcome. Where once there might have been tears and shouts, there is love and peace and it is healing for all involved. The healing energies that take place transform everything around you. And though you may rewrite and rewrite, and then stumble, all that you have rewritten is accomplished. Fear not. You will have the opportunity to rewrite the stumble because as long as your response was not from LOVE, it will replay until you can rewrite it.

As you experience these circumstances, if you do not know how to rewrite something worry not. Allow yourself some time and some latitude to let it come to you. For we cannot force rewriting stories. We can only allow them to surface in the moment of NOW and take it one step at a time. Sometimes you know your will. You know what you wish an outcome to be. You want to take action to make it so NOW. But it is not that moment of NOW. You must bide your “time” for a future moment of NOW because all is divinely timed. And circumstances will come along that allow for the appropriate responses at the appropriate “time of NOW.” So let it go. The important thing is that you KNOW your truth. You KNOW what you stand for. You KNOW what you will and will not allow into your field. You KNOW your higher being is walking with you. And because of that, you walk with the confidence that the time will come to act upon what you know. To demonstrate your truth.

It is incredibly important to stay in the moment of NOW as you rewrite the stories. Do not force the stories. Do not take control and highjack the process. Stay steady. Stay in the heart. Stay in LOVE. Be love, but be honest. Be patience and be kind when you can. But be strong. Know your position. Know who you are. BE who you are. And that is how the stories are rewritten.

As the stories are rewritten during this Lions Gate they will be released for good, those that have been completed. And those stories that have not will continue to be rewritten and released at the next Lions Gate, so fear not. There is a definite divine order to it all. Certain stories cannot be rewritten until other stories are rewritten. So trust and have faith in this process. Be steadfast in your knowledge that this is so. So many stories have been rewritten already. Those are all being released through the portal at this time and will continue until the end of the Lions Gate energies through mid-August.

A note for those of you on the sacred union love path: The work you have been doing together is extremely powerful. The path of the twins (or one soul in two bodies) is an accelerated path and therefore seemingly leading the charge. The intense and accelerated opening and movement into Higher Consciousness was a path you chose and your work is extremely important. As you clear the familial blocks to love, towards each other and towards self-love expression, you are opening up new pathways for the collective to access during this period of NOW in expansion and self-knowledge. Be encouraged the work done together is being done efficiently and effectively. At the Lions Gate, you are encouraged to go to zero point to hold the vibration of Oneness as the most intense release opportunities are available to you through the portal. Let it all go. Be the ONE you are with All. No separation and no stories.

The upcoming eclipse will bring the waves of new energies in to strengthen the newly rewritten stories. They will become second nature to the collective. All will have access to these new authentic powerful answers to life’s seeming difficulties. Answers will be at the ready in so many more circumstances for those who are awakening. They will reach for responses and instead of finding the old energy patterns to surf, they will find new ones. They will not even notice the change. As they awaken, they will believe these are the way things have always been. For in the original timeline, they were. And as the original timeline is restored, all of these unhappy and fear-based stories that have been “lived” will fade into the distant “past” and will no longer be recalled in humanity, but only in the halls of remembrance as the students visit to explore possibilities. And this is the dawning of peace.

Please remember, it is a process. It is a thorough and well-designed process that MUST be accomplished for it was made so by YOU. And your will for a better reality as a Creator of the ONE makes it REAL NOW.

And so it is.

Written with Love by Debbie DuBois
Through Higher Self Transmission
This NOW date 28th of July, 2017

6 Comments on “Lions Gate 2017: Rewritten Stories–Release!”

  1. Blessings

    So insightful,
    Thank you for the expanding information.
    Love, Light, Peace & Prosperity to All. _/_

  2. BAM POW n WOW batgirl hehehe you are an absolute power house of infinite heart centred wisdoms. This is precisely how I am flowing with crystal sharp intention focus …and so we meet again; again it is you I find mirroring back for me all that I too am receiving and following in perfected soul alignment ❤️ I lay in the tub soaking only hours ago with a stready stream of higher conciousness like shimmering golden threads weaving a most beautifc storyline leading up to the 8:8 gateway and through to inifinity and beyond. Playing this “rewriting” much like a game laying out a number of challenges to be met by myelf by the 8:8 ; being one with creator in the creation story of my own life. Primarily to demonstrate for myself through my own expereince just how powerful higher consciousness is within and without when we apply this mastery in our own lives. I am in awedom of this connection made with you each and every time you appear in perfect alignment with divine timing. Thank you , you are indeed sacred beyond words…from my ever expanding heart to yours I unite with you as ONE in immense gratitude. Until we meet again, all my love is ONE with you xo blessed be my friend

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